Who Needs "Hangry" Holidays.... Not You!
At this time of year we ask ourselves "How do I begin and end the holiday season holding tightly to my health goals?" "How do I make sure I have enough energy to do everything and keep a smile on my face?"
The idea that we will plan on losing weight BEFORE the holidays is certain to set us up to fail. Before that happens, let's learn to give ourselves a break over the holidays. The best thing we can do now is to find a balance.
With the holidays almost always comes the feelling of panic about everything we need to get done. There are gifts to buy, packages to wrap, cookies to bake, and parties to attend.
Choosing the right foods and finding a balance will help with maintenance and our sanity! Trust me, it's those sugar crashes that can get us into a tizzy and we certainly don't need to add that to our "to-do" list!
At some point I realized that, in order to find the balance, I first need to be aware that life during the holidays doesn't have to be "all or nothing". For example, don't try to lose weight over the holidays. Rather look at it as an experiment - one that cannot fail. Commit to becoing aware of what you are eating and how you are treating yourself. As this awareness unfolds, new habits are also likely to appear.... new habits that can take you well into the new year!
Here are some party tips to get you started. Remember, don't be hard on yourself. Do your best! Tomorrow is another day!
1. Protein: Should I eat those skewers of chicken or beef? Yes, you should! It will keep you full longer and will keep those cravings for sugar at bay.
2. Veggies/Fiber: That veggie tray at the party that no one wants to touch? These little gems are your best friend and will keep you full longer and keep your digestive tract working while indulging with extra sugar over the holidays.
3. Water: I know, I know. You hear this all the time. Well, you are about to hear it again! Water is necessary during this time of year, especially while taking in any acholic beverages. I will warn you now, now amount of water will take away that headache if you over-indulge, so know your limit and stick to it!
4. Greens: Eat a healthy salad and/or protein before going out for the evening. This helps curb your appetite and you will feel full, not starving as those tables full of goodies stare you down!
5. Give yourself a break and enjoy! - Pick what you want to spend your calories on this holiday. Is it the extra cookies? Maybe an extra cocktail? Spend those calories wisely!
Keeping these tips in mind will help you survive and thrive during the holidays! You can do it! Pick your focus and trust yourself to maintain.
Remember.... Balance is your BFF!